Dr. Michael C. Bruck, MD New York, New York 10065

Doctor Bruck, New York, New York (10065) 33 Year Old Mother Treated With Amazing Breast Augmentation Pic

Breast Augmentation
Pre-op appearance shows breast asymmetry with most of the patient’s natural breast tissue lying below her nipples. Silicone implants placed under the muscle to augment the patient’s breasts are Mentor® MemoryGel™ High Profile Xtra (Extra gel, not extra high) provide extra projection above the nipple, enhance cleavage and breast shape. Volume difference was used to improve symmetry—380 cc right breast; 355 cc left breast. To provide added support to the patients natural tissues a GalaSHAPE® 3D mesh was inserted. The mesh will be absorbed over a period of 18 to 24 months leaving the patient’s natural tissues stronger.

(Jun 1, 2020)