Mommy Makeover: a beautiful body after giving birth
Abdomen, breasts and thighs always remind you: you are a mom, you hatched baby, give birth and breast feeding. Every woman wants that these memories were only pleasant.
What is a Mommy Makeover?
Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are severe traumatic factors for women. They can seriously change the shape of breast and stomach, and cause local fat deposits.
The concept of post-natal rehabilitation, aimed at the restoration of the body of women as it was before pregnancy to the so-called «pre-baby body» – is the concept of Mommy Makeover. This procedure is the latest international trend in postpartum recovery.
Mommy Makeover is a complex concept which includes reshaping the breasts and abdomen, normalization of body weight, various programs of aerobic fitness and strength training, diets, restoration of the pelvic floor, vaginal rejuvenation and cosmetology impact.
From the viewpoint of plastic surgery mommy makeover is, in fact, surgical restoration of the body after pregnancy and childbirth – the combination of operations (simultaneous or successive), which allows to restore the violated shapes and contours of the body after pregnancy and childbirth.
What cosmetic surgeries are included in mommy makeover most often?
Mommy Makeover usually consists of three main components. The first is an operation for stomach restoration. This is different kinds of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).

Mommy Tuck Procedures Can Include A Breast Augmentation Or Lift, An Abdominoplasty, Andor Liposuction
It can be a full abdominoplasty or mini abdominoplasty or various intermediate options, it all depends on the individual situation. At surgery, the surgeon removes the discrepancy of direct abdominal muscles (diastasis of muscles), often accompanied by an umbilical hernia, removes excess skin, or skin and fat apron.
Secondly is the restoration of the mammary glands. There are many different operations and it all depends on the correction. Mastopexy (breast lift) is performed when sagging breast in its various versions, breast enlargement (augmentation or implants) is when lack of volume, reduction mammoplasty (ie reduction of the mammary glands) is when a large amount.
The third is the work with fat deposits along the body contour, mainly in breeches, hips, abdomen and back sides. This is liposuction, liposculpture and lipofilling.
How soon after giving birth can be performed these surgeries?
For breast is usually 6 months after the end of breast-feeding, with stable body weight and lack of fluid from the nipple. For the belly is not less than 6-9 months after giving birth, when you reach stable body weight.
For every woman motherhood is joyful period. But, unfortunately, pregnancy usually leaves a mark on the female body. As a result, mum is shy to go out, wears tight clothing, avoids intimacy with her husband, which is why there are problems in the family. Exercise and diet are powerless in most cases. Meanwhile, the newly minted moms with ideal figures shine from the TV screen … How they do it?
Mommy Makeover is a special set of plastic surgeries, which helps restore woman’s body and confidence, or do even better than before the birth. Moms are increasingly turning to a plastic surgeon with the request breast lift, tummy tuck, and so on.
In fact Mommy Makeover is any plastic surgery to correct the figure of the woman after pregnancy and childbirth. For example, cosmetic breast surgery (breast augmentation, lift or reduction), tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty), liposuction, vaginal plastic and so on.
Operations are selected depending on the tasks. Someone is disappointed because of the sagging breasts. And someone has a apron of fatty tissue in the abdomen. For someone is important to improve the quality of sexual life, the intimate plastic is offered for this purpose. Carrying out of several operations at the same time allow to solve at once all the problems that are bothering a woman.
If your bust or stomach have changed, you can not lose weight or if you have a sex life problems (sensation of loss, dryness, etc.), in this case, the plastic surgeon will help you to return the body that you had before the birth or to make even better. First of all, surgery is shown to women:
- who gave birth for the first time after 30 years (the later woman gives birth – the harder it is to recover without the help of a plastic surgeon).
- with multiple pregnancy, which is why the body has changed dramatically.
- wishing to build a career after the birth of the child (not a secret that the aesthetic appearance always contributed to the success at work).
- wishing to have a stylish smart appearance.
Can a woman do plastic surgery if she plans the birth of another child?
Surgery is possible. Incidentally, breast augmentation using implants allows to breastfeed in the future. However, you should keep in mind that in the case of tummy tuck or breast augmentation before birth of a child, you may need additional correction after pregnancy.
Can I make the plastic immediately after birth?
Any plastic surgery is only possible after the end of breastfeeding.
How much time you need to be in the hospital after surgery?
You will spend at the clinic 2-3 days after surgery under the supervision of the doctor , and then be able to return to your family.
How quickly the mother can return to normal life after the operation?
The duration of recovery (a complex of special procedures, which significantly accelerates the recovery) is 7-14 days. Also, in the case of breast augmentation surgery, or abdominoplasty, you need to wear a special compression garment for a month.
A mommy make over is a surgery that is done when a woman is done having children. It is a breast lift to correct any laxity in breast tissue and to relift areola giving a perky look.
An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is also done during a mommy make over to repair the abdomen muscle which can separate during pregnancy and get rid of loose abdominal skin. Lastly I incorporate liposuction to abdomen and flanks. This procedure is very common. to see before and after t pictures visit
A mommy make over are procedures that help restore some shape and youthfulness to a women after pregnancy. More commonly, they include a breast and body procedure, but can also include procedures for facial rejuvenation.
The following procedures are often considered in breast and body:
Breast: Augmentation and/or Breast lift. What you chose depends on how happy you are with your breast shape, and whether you are happy with the volume in a bra. If you want to go bigger, then you may need implants. If you want to reshape the breast, then a lift or mastopexy is the right procedure. You may also want to combine the procedures.
Body: Coolsculpting might be good if you have good skin tone and minimal laxity but areas that are resistant to diet or exercise. Liposuction might be good if you have good skin tone, but want to reshape a broader area such as the abdomen or flanks. Laser liposuction may be an added benefit if you desire some additional skin tightening compared traditional liposuction. A mini or full tummy tuck procedure is probably the best way to address the skin laxity that might develop after pregnancy.
Face: Common non-invasive procedures for the face include neurotoxins (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) for those who want to treat areas such as frown lines. Fillers are a great way to soften our smile lines or other areas of the face where we may have lost volume. Any combination of the above can be considered a mommy makeover.
A Mommy Make Over involves surgery. It means surgical repair of breast and tummy changes caused by pregnancy. What is done depends on the problem. It includes: tummy tuck or, at times, a mini-tuck breast lift, breast reduction breast implants or implants + lift. Many women just need tummy or breast surgery after pregnancy, not both. You may be one of them.
A Mommy make over refers to the collection of procedures that serve to restore the appearance of one’s tummy and breasts after the effects of pregnancy and nursing. These most commonly include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or breast lift or combined augmentation with lift, and sometimes liposuction. Sometimes these procedures are performed at the same time, and sometimes in separate stages.
Mommy make over: What does it mean?
The terminology can be confusing but essentially a mommy makover means that the breasts abdomen and other body parts are addressed at the same time. This commonly means that a breast augmentation and lift are performed with an abdominoplasty and liposuction. Sometimes arm thigh and face touch ups are included depending on exam and patient concerns.
Dont let marketing sway you. See a reputable plastic and reconstructive surgeon and let them hear your concerns and guide you to the best ombination of interventions tailored to you!
Mommy make overs are individualized for each patient, typically this includes include a tummy tuck as well as cosmetic breast surgery. The breast surgery performed can be a breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction. These procedures are collectively called “mommy makeovers” or post-maternity breast and body reshaping. After being examined by a board certified plastic surgeon, patients will then see which area’s are needed to be “fixed” in order to get you back to where you were pre-pregnancy.
Mommy Makeover Pricing
Cost can vary state to state. If you are doing a mommy makeover that includes tummy tuck & liposuction with a breast lift/augmentation it can range in price from $7-9,500.
If you choose to do a mommy makeover with a tummy tuck and a breast lift alone, no augmentation this may vary the cost by about $1,200-$2,000 less.
A couple of factors are Saline(saline usually costs less) vs. Silicone & the length of your procedure, as well as your individual needs.
Keep in mind this is just a rough estimate & a formal consultation will provide you with a more accurate pricing quote.
One combined surgery could be a great cost savings!
A mommy makeover can vary considerably in cost depending on the specific procedures that you need to counteract the stresses on your body from pregnancy.
The exact combination you need and the goals you hope to achieve all have an influence on the costs.
In general, the combination procedures that you mention would run from about $10,000-12,000 for the tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift, up to between $13,000-15,000 for the tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation and lift depending on the type of implant you choose.
Silicone typically runs approximately $1,200-1,500 more than saline. These numbers represent average prices for a Midwestern practice.
Cost in other geographic areas could be considerable higher considering supply and demand (they are not likely to be much lower in other regions).
One thing to keep in mind is that the overall cost of these procedures together is significantly lower than they would be if you divided them up and did each separately… that’s one of the beauties of the mommy makeover… it’s just one surgery, one recovery, and significantly less expensive than doing one surgery at a time.
If you skip the augmentation now it would cost you another $4,000-6,000 later to go back and add an implant! The best thing that you could do at this point is get evaluate by a board certified plastic surgeon near you, and get a quote for the procedures that you specifically want.
Cost of a Mommy Makeover
To make it simple we offer an all inclusive package for as low as $6995.00 which includes:
- A regular tummy tuck
- Breast augmentation (breast lift if needed) with silicone implants
- Liposuction of the back and waist.
This is the typical MMO a woman needs after one or more pregnancies. If a patient has significant weight loss (after a bariatric surgery for example) he or she may need an extended or circular Tummy tuck. If there is enough fat, we can perform a BBL for an extra $500.00 Our team has performed well over a thousand major surgeries like MMOs.
What is Included in the package
- Surgeon fee
- Anesthesia fee
- Hospital fee (incl drugs and med supplies)
- Blood analysis
- Pre op Exam
- Transportation
- Garment Hotel and food (you pay if you have someone accompanying you: aprox cost $55.00 per night)
Note: If blood is needed, there is a $220.00 charge per unit. It is rare but it does happen with patients who have anemia. Once you leave the hospital, a prescription will be given to you to acquire the antibiotics and pain medicines you will be taking home.
There is some difference in price among plastic surgeons, region of the country, and the procedures performed. A common mommy makeover procedure is:
- Full Tummy Tuck
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift
The cost of these three procedures including implants, anesthesia, surgeon fees, and facility fees is definitely over 10K.
Anything lower really makes me suspicious as to what you are receiving in terms of quality, safety, and qualification of the surgeon. I would plan on 12-15K for the procedures discussed above knowing that some quotes will be above this as well.
Recover from a Mommy Make Over
The recovery period from a mommy makeover is one of the primary concerns of patients. With the use of local anesthesia, pain pumps, anti-inflammatory medications, etc., the use of narcotic pain medication is considerably less.
I would plan on having help with the kids for the first week after surgery. After this, you will be able to participate. Relax. The first two-three days are the worst. By two – three weeks you will be feeling better and maybe able to return to work or completely care for your children. I agree it may take 2-3 months to feel like yourself.
It is very difficult to predict recovery period and your pain tolerance as everyone is different. I usually see my patients in five days and then every week for three weeks. Each post op visit I will give instructions as the situation changes.
If you did well with your c-section recovery period, I would expect you to heal very well from a tummy tuck and breast augmentation with lift. The fact that you have a supportive family is great. In regards to the pain medicine, you will take it as needed and it is very unusual for patients to be incoherent from an oral pain medicine.
I do recommend allowing your body to heal and recover for 2 weeks. This basically involves frequent walking, but no lifting or extensive childcare duty.
I then restrict your activity level and gradually stair step you back to normal activities by 4-6 weeks. This procedure carries one of the highest levels of patient satisfaction because patients often feel better and more secure about their physical appearance than they did in their younger years. This often translates to an improved quality of life on many levels.
I love this combination procedure, but down time a primary concern of many people. When a combination of Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and Breast Augmentation (with or without a breast lift) is performed, I find most patients don’t feel the pain in the breast as much. So, its a nice time to do both procedures at once.
The recovery period is mostly from the tummy tuck which has most of the pain in the first two days, and then there is a lower level for 3-5 days. Some of this is back discomfort as I have people stay bent over for a week.
Once the drains are out and one is standing up straighter (about 7-10 days), the patient starts doing more normal activities. Light activity is then required for 6 weeks, then a slow build back of your stamina over several months.
The average tummytuck patient needs pain meds for about a week or so. after that, almost all manage with non-narcotics or nothing at all. Vigorous physical activity is usually restricted for about six weeks.
The recovery period for a tummy tuck is like a c-section recovery in our practice we use a pain pump. The recovery period for a breast lift with augmentation is 7-10 to go back to work and 3-4 weeks to exercise
It can vary quite a bit, depending on your size, whether liposuction is performed, and on how much rectus plication you need. I have our patients stay overnight, so your family doesn’t need to worry about looking after you as a “fresh post-op” patient.
With our recent use of the TAP block for improved anesthesia of the lower abdomen, patients have certainly been having an easier time of the first few days. Most people are back to work in 2 weeks, and feel “like themselves” after 4 weeks.