Mommy Makeover Q&A
Mommy makeover is cosmetic surgery designed for women who gave birth. It focuses on the parts of the body which do not look good after pregnancy and childbirth, as before. This is usually the breast and abdomen.
Recent research conducted by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, showed a high percentage of women who would like to turn the clock back in order to the processes of pregnancy and age-related changes are not reflected in their body.
Since then, as a cosmetic surgery became popular, women are not obliged to put up with sagging breasts and flabby skin on the abdomen after childbirth.
One woman during pregnancy has grown stout at 55 pounds (24 kilograms). She felt uncomfortable regarding her appearance after the birth of second child.
Despite the fact that she was doing 100 sit-ups every evening, her stomach does not become flat. This sad picture was complemented with breast, which has lost its shape after childbirth. Naturally, she felt very upset.
After 3 years of exercises that did not bring the desired result, she went to the clinic for Mommy makeover procedure. And now she sees the results of her hard work!
We conducted a survey among skilled surgeons and their patients.
The result of the survey showed that the majority of women who resort to cosmetic surgery after pregnancy, in fact, feel uncomfortable and awkward in their body.
They just want to feel “normal” again, their usual shape, as it was prior to pregnancy and childbirth.

Mommy Makeover For Rejuvenating Of Women’s Appearance
Twenty years ago, a woman did not think that this situation could be changed in any way, and she hid her figure under her clothes. But now women should not be shy or feel hurt at their body. Twenty years ago, plastic surgery was available only to the rich and famous and was not a topic for conversation. Now everything has changed.
It is worth noting that most women do not view surgery as an easy alternative to physical exercises or going to the gym. In fact, many women have already spent several months, constantly practicing in the gym before they turned for help to a plastic surgeon. There are things that can not be corrected only with the help of the gym.
A mommy makeover for a woman who gave birth has many advantages. The operation is done once and has a certain recovery period. Soon you can return to your favorite activities, enjoying a beautiful figure. The result is guaranteed!
A Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures done after pregnancy. The main procedures include but are not limited to tummy tuck, breast augmentation (with or without a breast lift), and liposuction. The overall goal is to restore your body to it’s shape prior to pregnancy.
A Mommy Makeover consists of surgical procedures designed to correct specific changes a women undergoes during pregnancy. It usually consists of a tummy tuck and a breast lift and/or augmentation.
Sometimes liposuction is needed as well. Is a combination of a variety of procedures depending on womens needs after pregnancy. Generally includes tummy tuck, liposuction and breast surgery with or without implants, all done in one time surgery.
Pregnancy and childbirth are hard on a woman’s body and can exact a high toll on her figure. The term mommy makeover is a procedure designed to combat excess abdominal skin, fat deposits, or deflated or sagging breasts.
For women, mommy makeover procedures often include one or more of the following: Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck, Mini-Tummy Tuck, Liposuction.
The term mommy makeover is utilized to describe several procedures performed to correct some of the unwanted results of pregnancy. Some variation of a tummy tuck is carried out to remove excess skin and tighten weakened abdominal muscles.
A breast lift or augmentation likewise replaces lost volume and any sagging that may have occurred from breast feeding. Often a small amount of liposuction is also utilized to improve the waist line or hips. All these procedures are usually done at the same sitting, so there is only one healing period and can be accomplished safely in the proper setting. This minimizes total down time and reduces costs.
In reality “mommy makeover” is just a cute little term that has found favor in discussions about surgery to improve the appearance of a woman’s body after delivering children. Typically it includes procedures to address loss of volume and tone in the breasts, lax abdominal tissues, and excess fat on the torso and thighs.
Beyond that, I don’t think anyone can be specific about a “standard” mommy makeover, because it may mean slightly different things to different people. More often than not it includes a tummy tuck, with or without some liposuction and some form of breast procedure, be it a lift or augmentation or both.
What is a Mommy Makeover?
Mommy makeover is defined as a combination of procedures designed to improve the appearance and body shape after pregnancy. After pregnancy a mother’s body will go through changes, these changes are different from person to person.
During the consultation the surgeon and patient decide what the appropriate combination of procedures are, based on the examination. These procedures may involve any combination of the following: Breast lift, Breast Augmentation, Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Fat injections and possible facial procedures.
Mommy makeover surgery is a combination of plastic surgery procedures designed for women after pregnancy.
A mommy makeover includes a tummy tuck and breast augmentation surgery. Often a breast lift surgery is also added. A mommy makeover involves enhancements of the breast, abdomen, and surrounding areas to restore the damage to the body that pregnancy incurs. Options include:
- Breast Augmentation/Lift/Reduction
- Abdominal Liposuction/Mini Tummy Tuck/Full Tummy Tuck/Extended Tummy Tuck
- Liposuction to the UpperBack/Braline, Lower Back/Flanks and Inner/Outer Thighs
Treatment of excess belly skin skin after pregnancy
A mommy makeover is the perfect way to treat that excess belly skin after pregnancy. Typically, a mommy makeover involves improving the breasts and tummy that have changed as a result of pregnancy.
This usually involves a combination of breast lift/augmentation and tummy tuck/liposuction. A tummy tuck will remove the excess tummy skin and fat, tighten the remaining skin, and tighten the underlying muscles.
The best approach to get ride of significant excess belly skin is surgery. For the abdominal region laxity and skin excess, a tummy tuck procedure is best. For waist excess, an extended tummy tuck can be performed. For loose skin of the breast, a breast lift will be needed with or without an implant.
In reality, the only way to get rid of excess belly skin is to cut it out and tighten it using different techniques. Unfortunately there are alot of products out there that claim to tighten skin externally – thermage, endermologie, etc.
All of these provide only temporary results, and only show improvement about 50% of the time. To really tighten up areas, the excess skin needs to be excised and the remaining skin tightened, providing a smoother contour.
The best candidate for a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) has excess skin with little excess fat. The best candidate for liposuction, including VASER and Slim Lipo has good quality skin, not in excess, BUT has excess subcutaneous fat. Most women after pregnancy have issues with exces skin and that requires a traditional resection – excision of the excess skin.
The amount of excess skin to be removed depends on the amount that has stretched and not retracted after pregnancy (or weight loss). A mommy makeover is a catch-all phrase for surgically correcting the effects of pregnancy has on a woman’s body. Not every woman who has kids needs a mommy makeover and not every mommy makeover is created equal.
Typically the areas of concern are the breasts and the abdomen. With pregnancy, both areas expand and the skin can be stretched to permanent injury which can leave stretch marks.
In the abdomen, you can have stretching of the skin, increased fatty deposits and/or stretching of the abdominal wall which can be referred to as a diastasis recti. In the breasts, the skin can stretch as well as the ligaments of the breast leaving a “sagging” appearance, or ptosis. Good news is, there are many different procedures to correct these areas, and should be customized to your body.
Procedures such as abdominoplasty (tummy-tuck) and breast augmentation with a mastopexy (breast lift) can be performed together, which in the proper, healthy patient can be safe, and for the new mom, convenient.
These procedures are typically done over 1 year from pregnancy, and even longer depending on the mother’s nursing status.
Mommy makeover helps with excess belly skin
One component of the “mommy makeover” is the abdominoplasty, this procedure is designed to remove the excess skin in your abdomen. Every patient is different, some patients may be a good candidate for a “mini-abdominoplasty” while other may need a full tummy tuck. Most women will have muscle laxity after pregnancies, during the abdominoplasty, we are able to correct this problem with stitches.
My advise to you when deciding on your surgeon – Check the credentials. There is only one board in plastic surgery recognized by the american board of medical specialties – THE AMERICAN BOARD OF PLASTIC SURGERY. This will assure you of the proper training of the surgeon.
Mommy Makeover Questions And Answers:
- How Long Before Sex After Mommy Makeover? No intercourse for a minimum of two weeks following mommy makeover. Continue to be careful for the next two weeks. If this procedure is done in conjunction with another procedure there may be additional more
- How To Prepare For Mommy Makeover Surgery? A surgery such as a mommy makeover takes anywhere from 4-8 hrs, depending on which surgeries are involved. Usually this long of a surgery takes some advance planning from the surgeons perspective. In our office, more
- How Soon Can I Go Back To Work After A Mommy Makeover? As you know, “mommy makeover” combines a tummy tuck with a breast operation, in your case an augmentation-mastopexy. Individually, these are both somewhat significant operations. Combined, they will undoubtedly result in a period of more