Tummy Tuck For Loose Skin After Pregnancy
A full tummy tuck can help remove the loose skin and excess fat after pregnancy. It can also correct muscle separation that you might have gotten from your pregnancies.
Talk to a board certified PS to find out if you’re a candidate. The procedure is also called abdominoplasty. You are going to need a full abdominoplasty with liposuction to hip, flank and back areas. These procedures can be performed concomitantly.
You should seek advice from a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, as this is major surgery. (Jeffrey D. Wagner, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)
You will need a tummy tuck to address your loose tissues. I do not know your weight, height but it appears in your photos that you probably have an elevated BMI.
Generally you would like a patient’s BMI under 30 to decrease complications and to obtain the best result.
Find a board certified Plastic Surgeon for a consult. He/she can determine if you are a good candidate for surgery now or if you need to loose some weight prior to surgery.
You want to obtain the best outcome with the least complications. (Donald Nunn, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
You appear to be a candidate for a tummy tuck and liposuction. You should attempt to lose weight prior to surgery in order to approach your long term target weight (preferably within 20 pounds) prior to surgery to get the best possible results.
Consult with 3 – 4 board certified plastic surgeons to explore your options. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Tightening Of The Rectus Muscles Of The Abdomen
It appears that you would benefit from a tummy tuck. After pregnancy many women have loose skin of the tummy and a loose abdominal wall. A tummy tuck would make an incision on your lower abdomen so that the abdominal wall could be tightened and the loose skin could be removed.
It can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of the tummy, on the flatness of the abdominal wall, and on the appearance of the waistline. A tummy tuck is commonly combined with flank liposuction, which will further narrow the waistline. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)
The three basic problems with the abdomen after multiple pregnancies are:

Surgical Sculpture Of The Abdomen
- loose skin that has lost its elasticity which is made worse by stretch marks;
- excessive and unusual fat deposits on the abdomen and love handle area (lumbar roll); and
- separation of the abdominal muscles which do not function normally and therefore leads to low back pain during exercise.
Unfortunately, your pictures and your question indicate you have all three of these problems.
They are all correctable by during a tummy tuck done by an experienced Board Certified plastic surgeon. (S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)
I think that a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon would be a great idea. I agree that an abdominoplasty would likely work well for you. I would recommend addressing the back and flanks with liposuction also.

Removal Of Large Section Of Loose Skin
Loose belly skin after baby
This is very common and the main reason why mommy makeovers are the most common procedures I perform. The skin has been stretched out and elasticity compromised from the growing baby and weight gain.
Muscles are typically separated, this is called diastasis, and need to be sewn back together via surgery.
The skin will retract to a degree but typically not enough to the way you looked pre-baby or pre-pregnancy. Tummy tucks are very popular and the only way to provide a flat and smooth tummy and waistline. Liposuction of the flanks, or love handles, is often performed simultaneously to provide the best waistline.

Recreation Of Belly Button Through Transposed Skin
We do mommy makeovers every day so our beautiful moms can look the way they feel. Moms should be able to enjoy their little ones in the pool and at the beach (and we all know thats where kids want to spend most of their time!) and not have to be self-conscious of their bodies.
Find a great surgeon that performs both lipo and tummy tucks so they can advise which procedure is best for you. Be sure to look at photos and read reviews. (Alan N. Larsen, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Losing weight is very hard work and can be frustrating slow. A tummy tuck and liposuction would be able to improve your current abdominal appearance.
However, if you lost 50 more Lbs, you would be able to achieve an even greater result with less risk of complication. Please see a board certified plastic surgeon for your consultation. (Jason Mussman, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)You are a great candidate for a tummy tuck and might also consider liposuction of the back and flanks at the same time. Keep exercising and eating healthy for the best possible result. (Grant Stevens, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
it appears that you have alot of redundant or excess skin following your pregnancy. If you are not planning on having any more children, then tummy tuck surgery will be what you need to help you get rid of all that excess skin and fat.
I also suggest that you diet and exercise to get to the lowest weight that you feel comfortable with before you have the tummy tuck operation.Consult a surgeon in your area that is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. (James Tang, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Your picture shows an ideal figure for a tummy tuck with liposuction. You do need to be emotionally ready for surgery.
Continue with diet (low carb) and get exercise and please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. (Gregory T. Lynam, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)
You are the perfect candidate for a full tummy tuck with liposuction! With pregnancy, the skin and muscle have stretched to a point where they are no longer recoiling back to their prepregnancy state. A tummy tuck will do a wonderful job of addressing your loose skin, soft tissue excess, and muscle laxity. Please see my attached video for more information. I wish you a safe recovery and amazing result! (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)A tummy tuck surgery plus liposuction can begin to reshape your pre-pregnancy body and improve your waistline. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
The best approach is to wait at least 6 months until post-delivery changes have settled and then perform an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to remove excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles. (Thomas Guillot, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)
With the extra loose skin and loose muscles in your abdomen, you are a candidate for a tummy tuck. This procedure removes the extra skin, and the muscles are sewn together.
Additional liposuction can also be performed. In my experience, the patients who do this are happy with their results.Consult a board certified plastic surgeon in your area for a consult and exam. (Thomas A. Narsete, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
You are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck. This will address the upper and lower abdominal bulging and remove the loose skin. I would also recommend liposuction with fat grafting to the buttocks at a later stage to improve the overall shape (Norman Bakshandeh, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
it looks as though you may need an abdominoplasty combined with liposuction of flanks and back with VASER to sculpt your back.
Probably a reconstruction of the rectus muscle would be required to flatten the abdominal wall at the same time (Alberto Di Giuseppe, MBBS, London Plastic Surgeon)
We use the Body Mass Index (BMI) to calculate the degree of obesity. If you were found to be significantly obese based on this number, I would highly recommend diet and exercise to lose weight. The reason is that being obese can increase chances of complications in plastic surgery. After you have reached an acceptable weight, I would recommend two procedures for you.This would obviously depend on your health status. I would first recommend a tummy tuck to remove the loose skin in the lower abdomen. A few months later, I would recommend liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and back. These two procedures would dramatically enhance your figure. Please consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. (Moises Salama, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
You look like a good candidate for an abdominoplasty with liposuction around the waist as well.
After pregnancy you may also need your diastasis (muscle separation) repaired for the best re-contouring. You should get an excellent result (G. Wesley Price, MD, Chevy Chase Plastic Surgeon)Options For Loose Skin After Pregnancy
The best way to address loose skin after a pregnancy is by having an abdominoplasty. Some candidates with very minimal loose skin can see a slight improvement with a non-invasive Exilis procedure, however they will not get the results of a tummy tuck which involves tightening of not only the skin but the muscle as well. The best way to determine which procedure you are a candidate for is to schedule a consultation with your board certified physician so he can determine which procedure will give you the best results. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)
You are an easy patient to review. Great pictures by the way. You need a full tummy tuck with liposuction of the upper back/waist/axilla/hips. With the tummy tuck, as with most all tummy tucks, the muscles are tightened and the tissue redraped. Your belly button (yes YOURS) is “repopped” in its birth position through the redraped tissue. You are similar to the patient in the link enclosed. You are not a tough case. Interestingly, look at your hips as they approach your legs. You have these large pads of fatty tissue that belongs in a canister. When that is gone, your buttocks will have a nicer shape too as the “flatness” will become curvier. Look forward to a nice result.
You are not a tough case at all. Shop wisely not only for a board certified American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) doctor but also it helps to have that doctor belong to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
Make sure that the doctor shows you many cases that he/she has done so you can get the flavor of what THAT doctor feels is going to be a good result. You will find on the internet many variations of what different doctors will put their names to and it is pretty darn amazing at how the beholder’s eyes look! (Steven M. Lynch, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
Loose Belly after Pregnancy is best treated with a Full Tummy TuckAs a PS in your particular case I would recommend a Full Abdominoplasty with Liposuction of the Hips & Back Area to contour your waist. You would be the ideal candidate for this procedure. (Leonard Hochstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
It sounds like you are really troubled by your abdominal appearance. If there is loose skin that is overhanging, as in your pictures, unfortunately it is unlikely to tighten with exercise and weight loss alone. A tummy tuck is a consideration to remove loose skin and tighten your abdominal muscles. It might be worthwhile considering a consultation with a plastic surgeon to explore your options. (William Andrade, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
I would recommend a consultation with a plastic surgeon to obtain an individualized treatment plan to address your cosmetic concerns and try to achieve your goals. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
In the course of a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) your extra skin will be removed and very likely the underlying muscle will be tightened. This should leave you with a much tighter and flatter abdomen. The associated liposuction of the hip area will help complement abdominal recontouring leaving you with a very nice contour. Very commonly these 2 procedures are combined with the breast component of a Mommy Make Over.The breast component could be a breast lift, a breast augmentation, or a combination of both A Mommy Make Over is a term used to described a combination of procedures designed to help restore your body to its prepregnancy shape. When all of these procedures are performed at the same time the results are usually very dramatic. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
A tummy tuck for post pregnancy stomach
I’m so sorry you’re unhappy with your appearance. Exercise and dieting alone are essential for your health, but to significantly improve your abdominal area, you may want to consider plastic surgery. A tummy tuck will definitely improve the contour.
This would remove loose skin and excess fat to give you a flatter, firmer mid-section. Liposuction of your waist area will also significantly improve your shape. Most patients are very motivated to stay in shape after having had this type of surgery and are able to enhance the results even further by losing some weight. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)