Mommy Makeover Preparation
Mommy makeover preparation can be performed after a consultation as long as you are medically cleared for your procedure first. This usually involves some bloodwork and a history and physical from your internist.
Some patients can get this done within a week if they are healthy with few medical problems. Other patients may have to wait a little longer for clearance if they are are blood thinners or have other medical concerns that need to be addressed beforehand. (Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
A Proper Medical Evaluation Needs to Be Done Before Undergoing the Mommy Makeover Procedure
Safety should be everyone’s first priority. Therefore, it’s absolutely essential that you undergo a proper medical evaluation before proceeding with this procedure.
Particular attention should be given to drugs that might effect how blood clots.
Drugs like Ibuprofen and Aspirin, for instance, can lead to post-operative bleeding. Once this work-up is complete, the only limiting factors are your schedule and your surgeon’s schedule.
When you are both ready, it’s acceptable to proceed. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeover preparation from your consultation to surgery depends on whether you may need to loose some weight, what preop medical evaluation and testing you need, what surgeries your will have as your mommy makeover, the surgeon’s schedule, and your schedule.
Longer procedure times usually require some weeks to book, whereas shorter procedures may sometimes be added to an already existing schedule and can be done on shorter notice.
The key concern is not the rapidity of scheduling, but your safety, These are elective procedures, there is no need to rush into them.
After your consultation, you should consider the surgeons suggestions, his answers to your questions, what if any, additional question you may have as well as your preoperative medical preparations. (Fredrick A. Valauri, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
I would advise my patients to go for a full medical clearance and lab work.

Do Not Eat Anything For 8 Hours And Drink Anything For 6 Before Mommy Makeover
If they are all clear and you are not smoking then we can proceed with the scheduling and surgery (Norman Bakshandeh, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Off aspirin etc, good health, grest candidate, no red flags to not do your surgery, stable, ggod support at home, etc etc.
Then your schedule must allow and the doctors schedule must allow, and the Operating facility, and anesthesia etc etc.
It takes time to coordinate all of this. If all is perfect, possibly within a few weeks is a logical time of expectation.
And remember you must plan for home support and help. (George Commons, MD, Palo Alto Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy Makeover is a process, not just a procedure

Getting Ready For Your Mommy Makeover
Getting mommy her body back is more than just a popular procedure. All patients need to be assessed for medical stability and general health as safety is a priority consideration. We need to then look at all that needs to be done, considering effective staging if we cannot complete your list in one setting.
Scheduling usually needs a few weeks at least to get the patient prepared properly with opportunities to learn about the process and to answer all questions. This is a serious investment and a serious undertaking that requires careful attention to detail for best results and happy patients. (Randy Wong, MD, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)
There is no absolute time. It is a matter of scheduling. It may be limited by the doctor or the facility’s schedules. Arrangments have to be made to make sure it is safe. You have to be off anti-inflamatory drugs like asprin etc for about 2 weeks. These are some of the factors. (Rodney A. Green, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeover Preparation: From consultation to surgery

Mommy Makeover Preparation And Recovery Time
In our office we often can book the surgery in conjunction with the consultation so that you can have your surgery the next day (assuming that you are in good condition and have no medical problems that need to be further investigated).
We see a lot of patients from out of state who come to us for surgery.
With that in mind, we can often compress the time frame from consultation to surgery. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
You sound quite certain about your desire to have this type of surgery. The results can be spectacular and so rewarding. You will need to be in your best health, best weight( although this doesn’t mean that you have to be super thin).

Planning For Your Mommy Makeover
You need to be a non smoker, or without any form of nicotine for between 4 and 6 weeks. Nicotine would cause the potential death of some of the skin of the abdomen, as well as to slow down your overall healing from any surgery, for that matter.
Some surgeries can be performed weeks after the original consultation, if time permits, but often is scheduled months later to give you time to think about your surgical treatment that is planned. Comfortable arrangements also have to be made if you are traveling away from your home town to have the surgery performed. (Francis (Frank) William Rieger, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Each Plastic Surgeon has their own rules for this. In my office we usually wait 2 weeks from the preoperative visit to the operation itself. You should avoid blood thinning medications for 10 days before any surgery. You should be healthy and a non-smoker too. (Jay H. Ross, MD, FACS, Palm Harbor Plastic Surgeon)

Preparing For Your Mommy Makeover Can Make A Significant Difference In The Success Of Your Surgery And Recovery
Mommy makeover surgery preparation after consultation is based on your plastic surgeon’s schedule and facility’s availability. Most experienced, busy plastic surgeons are usually booked out 1-2 months in advance.
Of course, you need to be healthy, off Aspirin, and not be a smoker as well. (Sugene Kim, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
If you are in good health and you have found a surgeon you trust, the only thing left is the surgeon finding time on his/her schedule and more importantly, having things ready at home and at work.
I reccomend my patient’s take one week off from a desk job and 2-3 weeks for more strenous work. Also, you will need help at home for at least 3 days after the procedure. (Vishnu Rumalla, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
How soon can I have any surgery after the consult?
Mommy makeover preparation depends on many factors, and it varies. Several things need to be in place before you can proceed with a surgery:

Quit Smoking At Least 8 Weeks Prior To Mommy Job
- You need to be medically fit for surgery (all medical issues stable, off aspirin for 2 weeks [if appropriate], not smoking, etc.)
- You and your surgeon need to come to an agreement regarding the goals of the surgery
- The operating room is available for the length of time required for the procedure
- You have an appropriate post-operative care plan in place (someone that will take care of you for the required length of time, someone to take care of the kids, time off work, etc.)
Normally, parts 1 and 2 can be determined at the time of the consult, so only 3 and 4 are issues. For short procedures that take 1 or 2 hours of operating time (breast augmentation, eyelid surgery), it is generally easy to find openings in the operating room schedule in a short period of time (1-3 weeks).

Recovery Time For Mommy Makeover
If you are undergoing a long procedure that takes 4 to 6 hours (mommy makeover, full facelift, etc), it is more difficult to find available operating room time, so you have to schedule surgery further in advance.
The same thing is true for number 4 – short procedures typically have a fast recovery, so less arrangements have to be made at home. Long procedures have a longer recovery, so it normally takes longer to coordinate your personal schedule. (Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Stop All Aspirin Containing Products
From there, depending on your surgeon’s schedule and whether they have operating room time available, you can select a date for surgery, maybe within about 10-14 days to give you time to get your preoperative workup done. (Jason Brett Lichten, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeover planning

Stop Breast Feeding At Least 3 Months Prior To Mommy Makeover Cosmetic Surgery
6 to 8 weeks normal time between consultation and mommy makeover
You need to get medical photographs and medical clearance and then you need to be fitted into the plastic surgeon’s schedule. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Scheduling surgery soon after a consultation

Strong Health Is Important For Mommy Makeover Surgery
I ask my patients to reach their ideal weight prior to proceeding with surgery to avoid additional surgery.
During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the best and safest possible option for you. A mommy makeover may involve multiple procedures including a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and/or breast lift.
Communicate your goals with your surgeon to determine which procedures you would benefit from. On this site, I do my best to give advice without a physical examination but I want you to know that a physical examination by a board certified physician is always the best way to get the most accurate information. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck Breast Augmentation Before After
There are of course circumstances that may require additional time such as medical clearance, weight stability if weight loss is active, etc. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
Assuming you are in good health and you can coordinate your calendar with your surgeon, you can have the procedure any time you wish. If you have recently had a baby I would recommend waiting a few months to get into shape. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

You’ll Need To Prepare For Your Mommy Makeover Procedure
In our office, that is usually between 4-6 weeks from consult, depending on the length of surgery-shorter cases being easier to find time.but keep in mind-most people take about a month or more to chose and purchase a car-surgery shouldn’t be a rush decision.
Once you feel comfortable with your surgeon and the procedures you’ve decided on-you don’t have to be on the table the next day.
Take the time to prepare mentally for your procedure, make sure your friends and family are available to help with your children. Make your decision to have surgery carefully and deliberately. (Thomas B. Lintner, MD, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Every office is different based on the surgeon’s schedule, the facility (operating room) availability, your schedule, and your care takers schedule. At the Sullivan Centre there is typically a 4-6 week wait between consultation and surgery however because we have our own accredited surgical center we make every effort to mesh our schedule with the patients.
Always keep in mind when looking at dates that there will be a period of recovery so that you can plan. Contact you ASPS board certified plastic surgeon and inquire about availability. (Christine Sullivan, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeover preparation depends on several factors:
- Your health,
- whether any pre operative medical clearance from your medical doctor is needed or any pre operative blood work or other tests are needed,
- what medications you take which may need to be stopped, such as aspirin or ibuprofen,
- and finally what the availability of your surgeon is.
Safety should always be paramount so be sure all issues are addressed prior to surgery, even if you must wait a little longer. (Jeffrey M. Darrow, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)