Oculoplastic Surgeon Doctor Tamboli in Edmond, Oklahoma
Name: Diana Tamboli, MD
Last name: Tamboli
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2011
Years experience: 12
Primary Specialty: Oculoplastic Surgeon
Business: Oculoplastic Surgeons of Oklahoma
Address: 16315 N. May Ave.
City: Edmond
State: Oklahoma
Zip Code: 73013
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- Baptist Integris, Mercy, Summitt
- Undergraduate: BS, Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University
- Medical: MD, West Virginia University School of Medicine
Postdoc Training:
- Internship: University of Tennessee – Chattanooga
- Residency: Ophthalmology, Loyola University Medical Center – Chicago
- Fellowship: Oculoplastic and Orbital Reconstructive Surgery, University of Texas – Southwestern Dallas
- Fellowship: Advanced Aesthetic Laser Surgery, with Sterling Baker, MD, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
GPS coordinates on map: 35.4931,-97.45909882
Primary location:
Location name: Oklahoma City
State: OK
Country: US
Map point: 35.4931,-97.45909882
- AlloDerm
- Botox
- Botox for Hyperhidrosis
- BroadBand Light (BBL)
- Brow Lift
- Cheek Augmentation
- Cheek Lift
- Chemical Peel
- CO2 Laser
- Dermal Fillers
- Double Eyelid Surgery
- Dysport
- Earlobe Repair
- Eyelid Retraction Repair
- Eyelid Surgery
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery
- Fractional Laser
- Hand Rejuvenation
- Juvederm
- Kybella
- Laser Peel
- Laser Resurfacing
- Latisse
- Lip Fillers
- Lipoma Removal
- Liquid Facelift
- Mohs Surgery
- Mole Removal
- Nonsurgical Facelift
- Nonsurgical Neck Lift
- Nonsurgical Nose Job
- ProFractional Laser
- Prosthetic Eye
- Ptosis Surgery
- Radiesse
- Restylane
- Restylane Defyne
- Restylane Lyft
- Restylane Refyne
- Restylane Silk
- Scar Removal
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Skin Tightening
- SkinCeuticals
- SkinMedica
- Skintyte
- Volbella
- Vollure
- Voluma
- Xeomin
RealSelf Info
Rating: 5.0
Profile views: 1866
Answer count: 42
Review count: 1
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Nov 7, 2016
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Oculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Sep 12, 2017
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Oklahoma City, OK, US. GPS coordinates: 35.4931,-97.45909882
Latest ratings of treatments
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery (Sep 2023) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery (Jun 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery (Jun 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery (Jun 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
- Facial Reconstructive Surgery (Jun 2017) – Overall rating: 5/5
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
The area under my eyelid is thin, wrinkled, and dark, is surgery the only solution?
Loose Under Eye Skin
Oct 21, 2018
Oct 21, 2018
A transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty with fat transposition and laser resurfacing for the loose skin is what I would recommend based on your photos. It is not only important to see an eyelid specialist, but also someone well versed in laser resurfacing for patients of all skin types. There are oculoplastic specialist trained in face lifts and there are plastic surgeons trained in eyelid surgery. It would be best to look at before and afters for both specialties…
Is lower bleph chemosis causing the eyelid retraction? Will it heal?
Chemosis and lower eyelid retraction
Oct 13, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
Chemosis should resolve after a lower eyelid blepharoplasty and steroid drops or an oral steroid dose pack should also help, however chemosis tends not to resolve if allergies or dry eye is not addressed. So be sure to lubricate your eyes with artificial tears (do not get “get the red out” drops). Lower eyelid retraction can happen after surgery and postoperative upward massage can help resolve this issue. It is rare to have lower eyelid retraction be a permanent problem.
Chemosis should resolve after a lower eyelid blepharoplasty and steroid drops or an oral steroid dose pack should also help, however chemosis tends not to resolve if allergies or dry eye is not addressed. So be sure to lubricate your eyes with artificial tears (do not get “get the red out” drops). Lower eyelid retraction can happen after surgery and postoperative upward massage can help resolve this issue. It is rare to have lower eyelid retraction be a permanent problem.
Would a brow lift be beneficial for my hooded eyes at 26 years old?
Brow Lift
Oct 13, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
A careful exam with an oculoplastic specialist is very important as subconsciously raising your eyebrows can be a result of having drooping upper eyelids (ptosis) or excessive hooding of the upper eyelids. Correcting ptosis or excessive skin can allow your brows to fall into a more natural position. It is difficult to provide you with a specific plan without an exam, however I would consider all options (blepharoplasty, ptosis repair, botox) before performing a brow…
A careful exam with an oculoplastic specialist is very important as subconsciously raising your eyebrows can be a result of having drooping upper eyelids (ptosis) or excessive hooding of the upper eyelids. Correcting ptosis or excessive skin can allow your brows to fall into a more natural position. It is difficult to provide you with a specific plan without an exam, however I would consider all options (blepharoplasty, ptosis repair, botox) before performing a brow…
I’d like to improve my skin texture and fine lines, any suggestions?
Skin Texture
Oct 13, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
Based on your photos and reading your history, I think a series of microlaser peels Erbium or a single fully ablative CO2 resurfacing would be in your best interest. It is important to see someone who is trained in advanced laser procedures as you should certainly be seeing an improvement of lines and texture of your skin after the above stated treatments. Even though you state that you have not treated your skin well in the past, it is great that you are doing it now…
Based on your photos and reading your history, I think a series of microlaser peels Erbium or a single fully ablative CO2 resurfacing would be in your best interest. It is important to see someone who is trained in advanced laser procedures as you should certainly be seeing an improvement of lines and texture of your skin after the above stated treatments. Even though you state that you have not treated your skin well in the past, it is great that you are doing it now…
Crepey skin under eye treatment suggestions? I’m 40 years old and have tried fillers.
Crepey under eye skin
Oct 13, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
I understand your frustration and hear this complaint often when patients come to see me. Filler is wonderful in helping manage undereye hollows however it doesnt address the loose thin skin of the lower eyelids. I think the best way to approach this issue is with ablative laser skin resurfacing. You could use the CO2 or Erbium laser safely. I do laser resurfacing for 95% of my lower eyelid blepharoplasties to improve the texture and quality of the skin. This is a great wat to…
I understand your frustration and hear this complaint often when patients come to see me. Filler is wonderful in helping manage undereye hollows however it doesnt address the loose thin skin of the lower eyelids. I think the best way to approach this issue is with ablative laser skin resurfacing. You could use the CO2 or Erbium laser safely. I do laser resurfacing for 95% of my lower eyelid blepharoplasties to improve the texture and quality of the skin. This is a great wat to…
Am I good candidate for laser resurfacing for acne scars and lines?
Laser resurfacing
Oct 13, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
Acne Citijohn,
Great question! Even static lines can benefit from botox in that it can soften them and prevent them from getting deeper. Realistically you will be able to significantly improve the lines, but it is unlikely for them to completely resolve no matter what treatment you undergo. I believe you would certainly benefit from laser resurfacing to address the static lines and acne scars and should expect to see a marked improvement.
Dr Diana Tamboli
Great question! Even static lines can benefit from botox in that it can soften them and prevent them from getting deeper. Realistically you will be able to significantly improve the lines, but it is unlikely for them to completely resolve no matter what treatment you undergo. I believe you would certainly benefit from laser resurfacing to address the static lines and acne scars and should expect to see a marked improvement.
Dr Diana Tamboli
Why Did Laser Treatment Result in Demarcation Lines?
Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Oct 13, 2018
Oct 13, 2018
Asians tend to develop post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) status post laser resurfacing. The Erbium laser which was used in your microlaser peel and profractional has less incidence of PIH than CO2 lasers, however PIH can be managed well with compounded creams of steroids, quinones, and tretinoin. The same procedure applied to different people can have different results so it is important for you to see someone trained in cosmetic laser resurfacing to help manage your…
Asians tend to develop post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) status post laser resurfacing. The Erbium laser which was used in your microlaser peel and profractional has less incidence of PIH than CO2 lasers, however PIH can be managed well with compounded creams of steroids, quinones, and tretinoin. The same procedure applied to different people can have different results so it is important for you to see someone trained in cosmetic laser resurfacing to help manage your…
Latest Before And After Photos
- Doctor Tamboli, Edmond, Oklahoma 67 Year Old Man Treated With Eyebrow Lift And Lid Lift Surgery
Last updated on 12/10/2023