Loose Skin After Pregnancy Tummy Tuck
The mommy makeover operation is ideal to address the loose skin of the abdomen and breasts that results from pregnancy. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
The mommy makeover is designed to tighten the skin that gets stretched out during pregnancy, namely the breasts and tummy. The results can be quite dramatic, but it may not be able to rid you of all the loose skin. It depends on how much looseness you have, although the procedure is customized for each patient. (Ronald J. Edelson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Loose skin after pregnancy
Most patients who have a significant amount of loose skin after pregnancy will benefit the most from an abdominoplasty and if the breasts are involved a mastopexy ( breast lift ) with or without implants is commonly done at the same time.
This is the commonly called “Mommy Makover” and very common now to do both the abdomen and breast together. (G. Wesley Price, MD, Chevy Chase Plastic Surgeon)
A Mommy Makeover procedure normally includes a Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation, and/or Breast Lift. The Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty procedure is specifically designed to remove loose skin that is common in women after pregnancy.
The only way to get rid of loose skin of the abdomen is to cut it out. Liposuction is not the answer as that is a fat only procedure. (Bernard Kopchinski, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeover after Pregnancy, Connecticut

Excess skin after pregnancy get rid with mommy makevoer
There are 3 common types of tummy tucks. Mini-tummy tuck, Regular and Extended. Depending on your specific needs, you may want a tummy tuck or liposuction.
Loose sagging skin is usually an indication that you would benefit from a tummy tuck, however, in some cases liposuction can be used alone, or in addition to a tummy tuck, to take away any excess fat deposits, and add to the shape and improve the overall look. (Alfred Sofer, MD, FACS, Fairfield Plastic Surgeon)
How Can I Get Rid of Loose Sagging Skin After Pregnancy?
The best way to get rid of loose skin of the abdomen after pregnancy is typically a tummy tuck.A “full” tummy tuck typically performs two things.
It uses an incision that is low on the abdomen to remove excess skin and fat. It also allows the surgeon to tighten a loose abdominal wall.

Excess skin after pregnancy get rid results after
Abdominal laxity (also known as diastasis recti) is common after a pregnancy. In order to make room for the pregnancy, the abdominal wall stretches.
Unfortunately, after the pregnancy, the abdominal wall doesn’t always return to its original tightness. During an abdominoplasty the surgeon can use sutures to retighten the abdominal wall. This helps flatten the abdominal wall and narrows the waistline.Consultation with your local surgeon will give them a chance to examine you, and determine whether you would benefit not only from removal of excess skin, but also tightening of the abdominal wall.
Some patients will also do well with a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck uses an incision low on the abdomen, but does not include an incision around the belly button. This means that a smaller amount of skin is removed from the lower tummy, and the abdominal wall is tightened below the belly button. This does not include tightening above the belly button. It can be a good choice for some patients. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Excess skin after pregnancy get rid pictures
Any loose skin in your mid section can be removed with a tummy tuck as part of your mommy makeover.
However, you would need to have an examination performed by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon to determine which treatment would be best for you. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
This is the main goal of a tummy tuck or breast lift- to remove the excess skin and fatty tissue that is often caused by weight gain and loss during pregnancy and nursing or otherwise.
Sometimes breast implants are also added for the most perky and rejuvenated breast possible. Pictures are a must see – we love these body transformations! (Alan N. Larsen, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy Makeover for Loose Sagging Skin
A mommy makeover (cosmetic breast and abdominal surgery) is a very common choice of people wanting to restore their appearance after having children.
There are multiple options to either reshape the breasts or add fullness, and to tighten loose abdominal muscles while removing excess skin.
During a consultation your plastic surgeon will create an individualized plan based on your physical features and your desired outcome. (William Andrade, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck for sagging skin after pregnancy
A tummy tuck is the procedure that can remove excess, loose and sagging skin from the abdomen after pregnancy. In addition to removing excess skin, I also tighten the abdominal muscles to provide a firmly contoured stomach and well-defined waistline.
If you are looking for a “mommy makeover,” this term is generally used to describe several procedures done at once to help rejuvenate a woman’s body after child birth.
The most common procedures that are coupled together in my practice are breast augmentation, breast lift, tummy tuck, and/or liposuction.
I recommend consulting with a board certified plastic surgeon so that he can examine you and together you can determine which procedures will help you achieve the body you want. (Jimmy S. Firouz, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Loose skin after Pregnancy
The Tummy Tuck procedure is designed to tighten the abdominal muscles that have been separated for the growing baby and frequently do not come back together.
The excess skin is also pulled tight and removed. Most of the stretch marks below the belly button, if you have any, are removed with the skin.
I always include Liposuction at the hips and around to the flanks for a complete waistline contouring. Always see lots of pictures of patients that your surgeon has treated, that should give you a good idea of what you can expect. (James A. Hoffman, MD, Saint Paul Plastic Surgeon)
A mommy makeover should resolve issues with loose skin.
The purpose of a mommy makeover is to help enhance your figure following pregnancy. This typically means getting a tummy tuck to remove loose skin and tighten separated abdominal muscles, but a mommy makeover also often includes breast enhancement procedures (implants or a breast lift) and liposuction.
Each mommy makeover is tailored to the patient’s individual needs for a truly customized result. A consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon can help you get a better idea of the right combination of procedures that will help you meet your appearance goals. (Frank Campanile, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)
Loose skin after pregnancy
Loose skin resistant to exercise can be very frustrating and, unfortunately, sometimes surgery is the only option. As to whether or not “all” of the loose skin can be removed this must be determined during a consultation with a plastic surgeon.
Although excellent contouring can be achieved, stretch marks represent a common problem which is difficult to completely correct. All that being said, satisfaction with this procedure remains high and I encourage you to pursue a consultation to get all of your questions answered. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Surgery to Remove Excess Skin
Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman’s body. These commonly include loose skin of the stomach, possible stomach wall muscle stretching, sagging breasts and/or loss of breast volume. A Mommy MakeOver is designed to address each of these issues. The breasts may undergo a breast lift (mastopexy) and/or a breast augmentation. A breast lift will return the breast tissue and the nipple complex to their original, proper location while the augmentation will increase the size and fullness of the breasts.
Loose skin and muscle laxity of the stomach are typically treated with an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). This operation removes excess skin, tightens the stomach wall muscles and thins the excess fat of the stomach. When these procedures are combined together the operation is referred to as a Mommy Makeover. For most women it is important to delay having this procedure done until she is not going to have any future children. Pregnancies after any of these procedures can to a certain extent undo the benefits of having them performed. Unfortunately, there is no real nonsurgical treatment for excess skin. No diet or exercise can reduce skin that has been stretched from pregnancy. Seek the consultation of a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. They have a website listing all the certified plastic surgeons. Members of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery will all be board certified in plastic surgery and have demonstrated an interest and competence in cosmetic plastic surgery as well. (Alexander G. Nein, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)
Some post-pregnancy changes need surgery to fix
Unfortunately, the changes in your body after pregnancy often can’t be changed without surgical help, no matter how hard you work. Primary among these changes are the loose skin that is stretched by pregnancy too much to be smooth again, and the separation of your abdominal muscles (rectus diastasis).
I’ve talked to so many women who have worked hard to get back in shape and are so frustrated by the “poochy” appearance to their central abdomen due to the muscle separation or the loose skin around their umbilicus and lower abdomen.
The good news is that abdominoplasty can reliably address both of these issues. Abdominoplasty is a commitment as the recovery is several weeks and your activities are restricted while you are in this recovery period.
However, it is very worth the hard work when you are able to enjoy tighter, smoother skin and strong, flat abdominal muscles. (Emily A. Williams, MD, Spokane Plastic Surgeon)
Loose skin after pregnancy can be significantly improved with a tummy tuck where all the loose skin in the abdomen is removed and the muscles are tightened.
If you had a C-section the scar from that is used and extended to remove the loose skin. A breast lift with or without an breast implant is sometimes done at the same time. The patient also may have liposuction in selected areas. The combination of procedures is known as a Mommy Makeover. Find a board certified Plastic Surgeon for a consultation. (Donald Nunn, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Let me tell you that a tummy tuck will get rid off of all that loose skin in your abdomem aswell as all the stretch marks below your belly button. (Luis Tactuk Simo, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeover gets rid of loose skin
HiA mommy makeover will address loose skin in your belly and enhance your breasts whether it is a breast lift, reduction or augmentation. It is very common after pregnancy and the results can be extremely satisfying. (Rodger Shortt, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Getting rid of loose saggy skin after Pregnancy
In order to get rifd of loose saggy skin after pregnancy a Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty is typically recommended. An Abdominoplasty tightens the muscles and skin of the upper and lower abdomen.
This procedure will also repair the abdominal muscles if they have been stretched or separated due to pregnancy. Women who only need slight correction to the lower abdomen may consider a mini-tummy tuck but typically a full-tummy tuck is necessary after having children. (Leonard Hochstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
A Mommy makeover should be designed for each patient. It may consist of a tummy tuck, breast lift and/or augmentation, liposuction, or other procedures to restore areas of your body to a pre-pregnancy state. If you discuss your concerns with your surgeon, it may be possible to remove most or all of the loose skin. (John Zavell, MD, FACS, Toledo Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy Makeovers Provide Great Benefits
When a woman has completed her family she may consider a Mommy Makeover since it’s a surgery which rejuvenates the body. Although a woman may lose weight, excess skin may not return to its natural position due to pregnancy.
A Mommy Makeover will help restore a woman’s body to her pre-pregnancy days by incorporating an abdominoplasty and breast lift. The surgery provides women with a more youthful silhouette. (Glynn Bolitho, PhD, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)
Sagging skin after pregnancy
For excess loose skin on your abdomen, stretch marks, or bulging of your upper abdomen from muscle separation, a tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) is an excellent option. Depending on the extent of your loose skin, you may be a candidate for mini tummy tuck, full tummy tuck, or tummy tuck with liposuction. Discuss this with your plastic surgeon. (Lara Devgan, MD, MPH, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Get Rid Of The Mommy Skin
The best way to address loose skin after a pregnancy is by having an abdominoplasty.
Some patients with very minimal loose skin can see a slight improvement with a non-invasive Exilis procedure, however they will not get the results of a tummy tuck which involves tightening of not only the skin but the muscle as well.
The best way to determine which procedure you are a candidate for is to schedule a consultation with your board certified plastic surgeon so he can determine which procedure will give you the best results. (David L. Robbins, MD, FACS, West Des Moines Plastic Surgeon)
How can I get rid of loos sagging skin after pregnancy
The majority of mommies who have excess skin from pregnancy are excellent candidates for a tummy tuck.
The ideal candidate is someone who has lost the majority of their pregnancy weight, loose skin with stretch marks, and widening of their rectus muscles.
A tummy tuck will not only remove the loose skin and stretch marks, it will tighten your muscles to reduce your lower abdominal “pouch”. (Robert Najera, MD, Frisco Plastic Surgeon)
Sagging skin
The best approach to the skin after delivering your children is an abdominoplasty. It can restore your body contour and shape.
You must wait 9-12 months after you deliver but lose weight and exercise in the meantime. Your results should be very rewarding. (Frank J. Ferraro, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)
Loose and saggy skin after pregnancy
Loose and saggy skin can be improved whether from pregnancy or severe weight loss. The combination of procedures performed to correct changes that occur after pregnency is referred to as mommy make over. These same procedures are performed after weight loss to improve the overall appearance. the combination include any of the follwing:
- Breast augmentation
- Breast lift
- Abdominoplasty (mini or full)
- Liposuction
Some surgeon do not like to perform breast lift and augmentation at the same time so check with your plastic surgeon regarding his preference. The procedures can be combined safely if performed in a fully accredited out-patient surgery center.
This can be a free standing center or part of the surgeons office. (Shahriar Mabourakh, MD, FACS, Sacramento Plastic Surgeon)
Get rid of loose skin after baby
If you consider that pregnancy can increase the body surface area, specifically in the breast and abdomen areas, then any procedure that decreases the skin surface area, be it a breast tightening with a breast lift or reduction or a tummy tuck skin and fatty tissue excision, will by definition allow you to lose the excess skin from pregnancy. Be excited but remember that the Mommy Makeover is merely a term that can indicate improvements in the areas mentioned.
Be open with your plastic surgeon about what bothers you and you will be amazed at what can be achieve by a few hours in the operating room ! (Steven M. Lynch, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
How Can I Get Rid of Loose Sagging Skin After baby?
Mommy makeover is designed to do exactly that. In the abdomen, the muscles are tightened and the excess skin is removed. In the breasts, the deflated breasts are rejuvenated with implants and the skin is tightened with a lift.
Many times, the breast lift is not needed after the augmentation. Please see a board certified plastic surgeon that frequently performs mommy makeovers for the best results. (Jason Mussman, MD, Phoenix Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy Makeover
Loose sagging skin of both the breasts and abdomen is quite common after pregnancy or weight gain/loss. A mommy makeover can address both of these, if needed. An abdominoplasty will remove the excess sagging abdominal skin and tighten your underlying abdominal muscles to improve your waistline and contour. A breast augmentation and/or breast lift with an augmentation will adress the excess loose breast skin. Every patient is unique in their body type and desires for improvement. When you meet with your plastic surgeon, expect to discuss all your concerns and they can help guide you through choosing the right operation/s for you. Good Luck! (Niki Christopoulos, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)