Ethnic Mommy Plastic Surgery
The fact that you are African American should not defer you from having a mommy makeover. Your abdominal stretch marks will be remarkably improve and a majority removed with tummy tuck surgery.
Depending on your desires for your breast size, a Brazilian Mastopexy with lollipop scar would give you nice fullness and an excellent lift. The choice of an implant would be up to you. (Richard Linderman, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)
Cosmetic surgery can be performed on any person regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, size or shape. Some people have a tendency to develop thick or heavy scars (keloids) and since mommy makeover procedures involve long scars, that trade off needs to be discussed before the procedure.
People with pigmented skin do have a higher incidence of keloid formation, how one has healed in the past is a good indication on how they will heal in the future. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)
Mommy makeovers work very well in dark skinned mommies. Some of my happiest patients are African American. There is no way to do a tummy tuck without scars. The tradeoff for a flat tummy is a scar you can hide in your bikini bottom . (Mark A. Schusterman, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Our office does this operation in African American women often. the “Mommy Makeover” usually consists of Mastopexy, (with or without implant), and Abdominoplasty.
African American patients may have a increased risk of keloid scar, however most scars heal well.
Best to talk to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and get your individual questions answered. (Jeffrey J. Roth, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)You indeed are a candidate for the mommy makeover procedure. I would recommend to get to your goal weight before you consider moving forward with the procedure.
Consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in the mommy makeover procedure for best results. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
I have a very large population of african american patients. A vertical lolipop breast lift and implants works very well and is appropriate for you.

African American Patient After Mommy Makeover Procedure
A mommy makeover procedure would be appropriate to contour your waistline and hips, and correct ptosis of the breasts. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
After a 30 pound weight loss, you could have a very nice mommy makeover. About 75% of the stretch marks would be removed and the extra lower abdominal skin and muscle laxity would be resolved. The breasts would also benefit from a lift plus or minus an implant. Vertical vs anchor lift would be good, the key is to get the best shape and in my opinion that comes from the central pedicle lift with an anchor scar. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Before And After Ethnic Mommy Makeover Cosmetic Surgery
A breast lift with a vertical incision is certainly an option, and you may not even need implants placed at that time.
A tummy tuck will leave a long scar in the hairline (same location as a C-section scar, but longer). The skin below the umbilicus will be gone forever, along with those stretch marks.
The stretch marks above your umbilicus will remain, but they will probably appear less prominent. You may need additional liposuction on the flanks if this area does not come down with your weight loss. (Nina S. Naidu, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Before And After Photos Ethnic Mommy Makeover
Based on your picture, I would recommend a mommy makeover, which in your case means a tummy tuck and a breast lift. Women accept the scars if they love their new shape.
I would do it even if you don’t lose thirty pounds. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Loose the weight first, it will improve on the final result. Also will determine the shape and size of the breast after weight loss, your abdominoplasty will look much better after the weight loss. Then choose a Board Certified Plastic surgeon with experience.
Remember, there will be scars on the abdomen (well, in the Bikini line). and on the breast. there are no quarantees to the scars, thse are detrmined by how they heal and the care in suturing them anfd most importantly on YOUR GENES. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Best Tummy Tuck For Black
In darker skinned individuals, we always have a greater concern for possible keloid development and there may be little you can do to prevent this. In regards, to the tummy, you are an excellent candidate for t a full tummy tuck given the limited information avialable here. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Having a tummy tuck will most certainly remove the majority of your stretch marks from below the umbilicus to the pubic region. A vertical breast lift will probably be enough for you unless you want implants for more volume. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Body Contouring Procedures Carry A Higher Risk Of Scaring In African American Patients
I do not think that you would need implants unless you wanted to be larger then you are now. A lift will give you a nice result and most of your stretch marks will be removed with a tummy tuck.
You will be trading the stretch marks for a flat tummy with a long incision very low down on you belly. This procedure is done on African Americans all the time. You will look great. (Kari L. Colen, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
you can expect a fantastic result from a mommy makeover (tummy tuck and breast lift). I think you would get the best result in your breast with an inverted T incision instead of only a vertical incision. If you want to compromise results for a shorter incision, then insist on the vertical only incision.
However, I feel this would be a mistake since you will be limiting the final shape of the breast. Since you do have significant ptosis, you may be a candidate for a no-vertical incision breast lift, but it would depend on the final size that you are desiring for your breasts. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)Scars are the issue with mommy makeover for darker skin
First the good news, which is that you would have a very nice result from the mommy makeover, which would include a tummy tuck and breast lift. The important issue is how you would heal the scars and whether you have any tendency for keloids, the thick, dark sacrs that can form in darker skinned people as well as fair-skinned redheads.
If you have any scars from surgery somewhere else on your body that would be a good predictor. If you heal with normal scars then I believe you will be very happy with the results, and even with darker sacrs you should have a nive shape. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)African American and Mommy Makeover go well together!
You will have a tremendous result from both a tummy tuck and a Breast lift. You mentioned that you wanted a lift and an implant? Im not sure the implant is needed as your natural amount of breast tissue will create a quite beautiful breast alone.
Only if you suspend your breast higher and that amount of tissue seems deficient should you consider an implant.
As mentioned by one of the other commentiing surgeons, your scars will tend to be darker for some time, Keloid formation is over quoted in African Americans. (Charles Virden, MD, Reno Plastic Surgeon)a mommy makeover with a full tummy tuck and either a breast lift or a breast lift and breast aug (depending on your goals) will be a good choice for you. Make sure you have a good idea of your goals and you speak with a handful of plastic surgeons before making your decision. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)
You certainly can have a mommy makeover and should expect to see a good result.

Mommy Makeover Before And After Photos
I would think that a breast lift with or without implants could give you a more youthful appearance, and although all of the stretch marks may not be removed( those above the belly button will be moved quite low on the abdomen) the tone of the abdomen would be so much better.
Limited liposuction to the lateral hips and flanks could also be performed. Ask your local Plastic Surgeon for some guidance and advice. I have personally operated on many patients with your preoperative shape and have had very nice results for my patients. (Francis (Frank) William Rieger, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy Tuck Helps to Remove Excess Skin, Tighten Abdominal Muscles & Remove Stretch Marks

Non-Caucasian Mommy Makeover
They are usually frustrated and it affects their self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-image. The treatment plan is determined by your aesthetic goals and your specific anatomic findings. The fact that you’re an African American should have no impact on your surgical plan. It’s important to realize that African Americans have a higher incidence of scarring and keloid formation than the general population.
If there’s a family history of adverse scarring following surgery, this may ultimately affect your decision to proceed with a mommy makeover. It’s important to be finished having children before proceeding with mommy makeover surgery. The thirty pound weight loss that you mention will ultimately help you obtain the result that you’re after. It would appear that you are a reasonable candidate for a tummy tuck.
This would remove excess skin, tighten your abdominal muscles, and ultimately remove your stretch marks below the level of the umbilicus. Liposuction of the hips and thighs might also be beneficial to your overall result. In addition, you appear to be a good candidate for breast augmentation and breast lift performed simultaneously. Unfortunately without a physical examination it’s hard to know whether or not a lollipop incisions breast lift would be adequate for you.

Plastic Surgery Mommy Makeover In Patient Of Color
Mommy Makeover for African Americans?
You certainly appear to be a candidate for a mommy makeover. I think that a breast lift with silicone implants and a tummy tuck would help your overall appearance. We perform surgery on patients of all races. Please see a board certified Plastic surgeon for an evaluation. (Thomas Guillot, MD, Baton Rouge Plastic Surgeon)
African American female mommy makeovers are safe and scarring can be minimzed

What To Expect After The African American Surgery
You are a wonderful candidate for a mommy makeover and I commonly perform this procedure on African American women and they are extremely satisfied with the improvements such a procedure can offer.
In terms of your striae, the majority can be removed by a tummy tuck procedure. I would recommend consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to learn more about your options and realistic results. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Looking at your pictures you are an excellent patient for this surgical option, but is not only what we look what makes you a good candidate there are some special considerations as hemoglobin levels , ( it should be higher than 12.5 ) habit of smoking wich makes you not such as good candidate .Some recommendations if you smoke stop smoking for at least 1 to 3 months before plans of surgery and pay attention to hemoglobin before surgery! .African american patients are great patients for a great body after plastic surgery . i am not agree with the lollypop i think you will need a short j incision but for this you need a personal evaluation. (Cynthia Disla, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)