Dr. Richard Rosol, MD in Providence, Rhode Island
Name: Richard Rosol, MD
Last name: Rosol
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2014
Years experience: 9
Primary Specialty: Physician
Business: TattooMedics Laser Tattoo Removal
Address: 226 Atwells Ave.
City: Providence
State: Rhode Island
Zip Code: 02903
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 0$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges:
- Unversity of Pennsylvania Veterans Adminstration Hospital, Mercy Catholic Medical Center
- Delaware Valley Memorial Hospital
- Medical: MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine
GPS coordinates on map: 41.827,-71.40869904
Primary location:
Location name: Providence
State: RI
Country: US
Map point: 41.827,-71.40869904
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/106122677529799571128
- PicoSure
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Tattoo Removal
RealSelf Info
Profile views: 735
Answer count: 178
Review count: 1
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Apr 20, 2017
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Physician
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: May 1, 2017
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033
- Providence, RI, US. GPS coordinates: 41.827,-71.40869904
Latest ratings of treatments
- PicoSure (Oct 2021) – Overall rating: 0/5
Doctor’s answers
Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
is it safe to remove permanent eyeliner with laser without the Ocular Shields?
Ocular shielding.
Oct 20, 2019
Oct 20, 2019
To direct a laser at the eye without proper shielding is completely out of the question. I urge you to avoid any laser handler who suggests this as a possibility.
Can these tattoos be excised?
Laser, not excision.
Sep 4, 2019
Sep 4, 2019
Many tattoo inks are salts containing a metal cation. All respond beautifully to the appropriate laser therapy, so your tattoos are excellent candidates for laser removal. Very rarely is excision the better choice. After laser removal you should have clear, unblemished skin.
Find a medically trained and licensed practitioner with a picosecond laser, and you’re set. Also, beware of advice given by people untrained in the medicine and physics of laser removal.
Good luck!
Find a medically trained and licensed practitioner with a picosecond laser, and you’re set. Also, beware of advice given by people untrained in the medicine and physics of laser removal.
Good luck!
Is the PicoSure laser beam square or round?
PicoSure beam
Aug 8, 2019
Aug 8, 2019
Thank you for your unique question.
The PicoSure beam is square, which facilitates refined edits. The laser must be well calibrated to distribute equal energy to the square beam, without “hot” or “cold” spots. A reputable practice will see to this.
The PicoSure beam is square, which facilitates refined edits. The laser must be well calibrated to distribute equal energy to the square beam, without “hot” or “cold” spots. A reputable practice will see to this.
Will the PicoSure laser with PFD patch remove my color half sleeve?
PFD Patch and PicoSure.
Jul 25, 2019
Jul 25, 2019
The PicoSure laser is an excellent choice, paired with a medically-credentialed operator, of course.
The PFD patch is not indicated in your case. It was developed with the intention of allowing 3-4 passes per session with a Q-switched (altogether a different class) laser and not picosecond lasers. Even when used “properly” their effectiveness has not been adequately backed up with evidence. The original study of PFD as an optical clearing agent was statistically weak, with a small sam…
The PFD patch is not indicated in your case. It was developed with the intention of allowing 3-4 passes per session with a Q-switched (altogether a different class) laser and not picosecond lasers. Even when used “properly” their effectiveness has not been adequately backed up with evidence. The original study of PFD as an optical clearing agent was statistically weak, with a small sam…
Tattoo didn’t frost during Picosure treatment, what should I do?
Frosting doesn’t matter.
Jun 21, 2019
Jun 21, 2019
After several treatments of a tattoo, it’s normal and expected to see no frosting. Frosting is not a measure of a treatment’s effectiveness in any way, a fact that I would expect any experienced practitioner to know intimately.
Also, there is no rationale for using the PFD patch with a Picosecond laser. In fact, proper use (according to the manufacturer) dictates use with a nanosecond laser solely for the purpose of retreating quickly, without waiting for frosting (if any) to clear. The…
Also, there is no rationale for using the PFD patch with a Picosecond laser. In fact, proper use (according to the manufacturer) dictates use with a nanosecond laser solely for the purpose of retreating quickly, without waiting for frosting (if any) to clear. The…
Can an old tattoo be removed w/out damaging the newer tattoos next to it?
Your back tattoo.
Jun 13, 2019
Jun 13, 2019
Your unwanted back tattoo can be removed easily without disrupting the other tattoos. One small exception might be the area where the new tattoo overlaps the old one. If you would like a very sharp line at that interface, it might be necessary for your tattoo artist to touch up that line on the bird wing after tattoo removal is complete. This will give you the best result.
As for your ulcerative colitis, you should have a detailed discussion about tattoo removal with your…
As for your ulcerative colitis, you should have a detailed discussion about tattoo removal with your…
Eyebrow tattoo removal PicoSure after ND YAG, ink turned brighter red
Red brows
Jun 13, 2019
Jun 13, 2019
Bright red eyebrows should be always be discussed prior to treatment, as this is a common and expected occurrence.
The reddening of your brows comes from oxidation of the ink commonly used for brows. It is not the same red as a red ink, per se, unless the tattooer compounded an ink color containing some form of red, which would be unfortunate. Thankfully, it appears from your photo that these are very commonly encountered iron oxides.
My recommendation is to find a practitioner…
The reddening of your brows comes from oxidation of the ink commonly used for brows. It is not the same red as a red ink, per se, unless the tattooer compounded an ink color containing some form of red, which would be unfortunate. Thankfully, it appears from your photo that these are very commonly encountered iron oxides.
My recommendation is to find a practitioner…
Latest Before And After Photos
- PicoSure Tattoo Removal With Dr Richard Rosol, MD, Providence, Rhode Island
- Dr. Rosol, Providence, Rhode Island (02903) PicoSure Tattoo Removal
- Dr Rosol, Providence, Rhode Island PicoSure Tattoo Removal
Last updated on 12/23/2023