Mommy Tuck Plastic Surgery Results W Abdominal Cosmetic Surgery And Breast Aug Using 325cc And 345cc SRF Implants Image By Doctor Mark Eberbach, MD, Hudson, Florida (34667)

This patient came to Dr. E wanting to restore her pre-baby body. She is 39 years old, 5ft, 115lbs. She has a nice shape to her breasts but was deflated from breast feeding. Dr. E did just a breast augmentation using a 325cc and 345cc Inspira Full Profile Responsive Gel Implant. This patient reported going from a 34 A/B bra to a C/D. Patient had nice upper stomach skin but muscles had been separated from babies and she had looseness of skin at the bottom. Dr. E performed a tummy tuck with liposuction of the abdomen and flanks. (Sep 12, 2018)