Downtime After Mommy Makeover
The downtime after a mommy makeover is dependent on which procedures are selected and the degree of improvement that is desired. Typically, you would need 10-14 days of recovery time. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Downtime for mommy makeover will vary depending on which procedures are performed and how your surgeon performs his or her procedures. After a mastopexy/ augmentation mammaplasty and an aabdominoplasty with liposuction, most patients are able to return to driving and work by 10-14 days.
However, every patient is different and has a different pain tolerance. You should check with your surgeon to see what he or she recommends. (Sanjay Grover, MD, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)
We would certainly encourage you to be out of bed and walking around the house right away, and most patients would be able to return to a desk job within 10 days. It is very important not to rush the recovery and avoid lifting for several weeks though.
There are a few things that the surgeon can do to speed recovery, and one technique that I have found very helpful is called the Progressive Tension Suture abdominoplasty. This helps the healing so the drian tube can be removed earlier. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
I recommend 10 business days off but usually 2 full weeks is better. So let’s say you did the operation on a Friday. You might be able to return to work by the 10 days or that second post op Monday.
These off days are only good if you do not have any post op problems or complications. Than recovery downtime could be longer. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
I do a very substantial number of the combined surgeries you require. The recovery is basically dictated by the abdomen with the breasts along for the ride. A tummy tuck first requires a drain that I remove when the output is a certain amount, usually reached at one ween after surgery.At two weeks you can begin to do light exercise except for abs. At one month you feel 85% normal and at 2 months 100% normal. Working at a desk job is fine at 10 days or even sooner if you don’t mind still having the drain. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Depending on the extent of the tummy tuck, 10 days is a reasonable amount of downtime to take off following the mommy makeover. I generally advise my patients to plan on two weeks. However, it sounds as if you may not require a truly extensive procedure given your body weight and prior recovery record SEE VIDEO FOR SAMPLE MOMMY MAKEOVER. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
This DOES NOT mean that you may require all this time off , some women do while others do not – it is always safer to take more time off than you need and change your mind.
Especially, in today’s economy. I KNOW you will do well. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)
As you may know, downtime is different from one patient to another. What i recommend to my patients is at least 14-21 days before going back to work. (Luis Tactuk Simo, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)The recovery downtime from these procedures really varies depending upon your tolerance for pain and your ability to recover quickly. I would tell you that 10 days may be OK, but 2 weeks is more like it. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
This is one of the most common questions we hear. A mommy makeover is a combination of procedures to help the recontour the abdomen and breast. Each mommy gets her own makeover. If you only need liposuction of the abdomen and a small breast lift, the recovery period may be just a few days. However, if you require a full tummy tuck and breast lift with implants, the recovery process can take as much as two weeks.
Consult with a board-certified and experienced plastic surgeon so that they may evaluate your tissue and determine what surgery will best meet your aesthetic goals. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)You may well be able to return to a desk job after ten days but it depends on the type of Mommy Makeover that you have and whether you have any healing issues. You are having a lot of surgery done and multiple procedures add to potential complication rates and recovery downtime. If you are having a full tummy tuck your recovery will take longer.
A Breast Lift recovery also takes longer than a simple Breast Augmentation. By 10 days your drains should be removed and you should be feeling better.
But be prepared to take 2 weeks off if you find that you need it. Of course you will have to follow your Surgeon’s advice (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)Most of my patients are at 70% of their recovery by the end of the first week after surgery and almost fully recovered by the end of the second week.
They are usually only taking medication at night mostly by my recommendation so they can sleep better. They are also active and walking the next day after surgery. (Norman Bakshandeh, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
I would say 10-14 days should be sufficient to take off. I tell patients at least 10 days off to recover. Keep in mind that downtime after mommy makeover (tummy tuck and breast lift/augmentation) varies patient to patient. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)
Healing from a “mommy makeover”
I have performed mommy makeovers for 10 years. What seems to work best is 2 weeks. Most can drive after one week, but a few extra days are needed for the recovery from the tummy tuck. Many of my patients have surgery on a Friday, and take the following week off from work. You only miss six days of work, but have ten days to recover. (Jose M. Soler-Baillo, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
- The Breasts Are Lifted During Mommy Makeover
- Rejuvenation Of The Breasts And Abdomen
- Most People Are Able To Return To Office Duties In Two Weeks
In most cases 10 days is sufficient downtime for Mommy Makeover. However, every patient is different. I have never had a patient take more than 10 days before returning to work. However, you will probably not feel 100% for several weeks. (David Shafer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
It sounds like recovery from your Mommy Makeover should go smoothly – you won’t need a great deal (if any) liposuction with your procedures. I think 2 weeks off from your desk job should be just about right. You may be tired and sore when you go back, but it should be manageble. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)