Dr Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis, Tennessee (38119) 37 Year Old Spouse Treated With Full Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty Results

37 year old woman mother of two with a BMI of 28.5 underwent Back Scoop Liposculpture and a FULL Tummy Tuck with full muscle tightening and Mons and bilateral Anterior Thigh Lifting. The After photos were taken 6 months after the surgery at which time with diet and exercise she had a BMI of 24.8. Anyone can suck it in standing up before and after surgery. The BEST way to assess the tightness of the muscle repair and flatness of the tummy after a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) is by comparing the bent over, relaxed tummy “Diver’s Pose”. (Sep 4, 2019)