Doctor Lo Noblesville, Indiana

Name: Emily Lo, MD
Last name: Lo
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2015
Years experience: 8
Primary Specialty: Otolaryngologist
Business: Hamilton Surgical Arts
Address: 9660 E. 146th St.
Address suite: Ste. 100
City: Noblesville
State: Indiana
Zip Code: 46060
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Clinical Privileges
  • Northshore University Health System Hospital, Skokie, Illinois, Highland Park Hospital, Highland Park, Illinois
  • Undergraduate: Molecular Cell Biology, University of California – Berkeley
  • Medical: MD, Baylor College of Medicine – Houston
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (ENT), University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
GPS coordinates on map: 40.0018677,-85.9968877

Primary location
Location name: Carmel
State: IN
Country: US
Map point: 39.9712,-86.11260223
  • Botox
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Neck Lift

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 164
Answer count: 17
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Profile created: Feb 20, 2017
Profile modified: Oct 3, 2019
Profile photo modified: Jan 1, 1970
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Otolaryngologist
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Mar 10, 2017
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Carmel, IN, US. GPS coordinates: 39.9712,-86.11260223

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
What is the best treatment for under eye wrinkles/fine lines under the eyes?
A combination approach is best for undereye wrinkles.
Aug 3, 2017
Thank you for your question and photos. Treating undereye wrinkles can be tricky, as this part of the skin is very delicate. A series of light chemical peels can help minimize any fine lines in this area, while laser skin resurfacing can increase collagen production and plump up your features. Adding dermal fillers to the mix will fill in lost volume to minimize these wrinkles even further. Best of luck.
Is it okay to get a chemical peel and laser hair removal on the same day (read description)?
A chemical peel can be done on the same day as laser hair removal in a different area.
Jun 30, 2017
Thank you for your question. As long as you are not treating the same area, you should be perfectly fine having both a chemical peel and laser hair removal performed on the same day. Make sure your laser technician is aware that you are having a peel done. Good luck!
Would the laser treatment be effective still after 2 years gap? Or should I restart the treatment?
You can resume laser treatments as planned.
Jun 26, 2017
Thanks for your question. While each laser hair removal session only reaches a certain amount of hair follicles, the results should be permanent. That means that even if you stopped going to treatments, you should have fewer active hair follicles now than you did before you started treatments. You can restart your treatments as planned. However, since you stopped treatments for a long time, you may require more than 3 additional treatments to disable as many hair follicles as possible.
How can I fix my lip/smile without surgery?
Injectable fillers can improve lip symmetry without surgery.
Jun 22, 2017
Thanks for your question and picture. It’s unclear what specifically you’re unhappy with about your lips, as you have beautiful full lips. However, you do appear to have some asymmetry of the upper lip. If this is the issue, it can be resolved with injectable fillers. Treatments can be repeated every few months or even less, depending on the type of filler. Best of luck!
Sun exposure after microdermabrasion, will I get hyperpigmentation?
Any hyperpigmentation will most likely be temporary.
Jun 19, 2017
Thanks for your question. Microdermabrasion makes the skin more sensitive to sun damage because it removes the outermost layer of cells, leaving the sensitive underlying layer exposed. However, if you were only outside briefly, it’s unlikely you’ll see any lasting effects from the sun. Remember to wear sunscreen daily for the next 2 weeks.

Is there anything I can do to get rid of bulging vein in my temple?
Sclerotherapy or laser treatments can help get rid of temple veins.
Jun 12, 2017
Thanks for your photo and question. Sclerotherapy is an injection that causes the treated vein to gradually collapse and then disappear. Before the vein disappears, its appearance may worsen for up to a couple of weeks. Laser treatment, on the other hand, dissolves veins using laser energy. It’s best to visit a medical spa for a formal evaluation of your needs and the best vein treatment recommendation. Good luck!
I am suffering from acne and acne scars on my face. Options?
Visit a skincare specialist for the best products to control acne before considering scar treatment.
May 25, 2017
Thank you for your question and photos. In order to address your acne scars, you will need to manage the acne itself first. I suggest visiting a medical spa and consulting with a skincare expert who can recommend a course of medical grade skincare products specifically for your skin type and concerns. Once your acne has subsided, you can focus on minimizing the scars. Acne scars are best treated with a combination approach of resurfacing, fillers and other skincare treatments like chemical…

Last updated on 12/10/2023