Name: Opul Clinic
Display name: Opul Clinic
Medical director: Emily Loren, ND
Phone: (808) 344-9798
Address: 203 S. Market St., Wailuku, Hawaii, USA, 96793
City: Wailuku
State: Hawaii
Country code: US
Postal code: 96793
Phone: +18083449798
Country: USA
GPS coordinates on map: 20.8857859,-156.5011503
- Botox
- Dysport
RealSelf Info
Profile created: Jun 16, 2023
Profile modified: Jun 16, 2023
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Medical director: Emily Loren, ND
Sally Bilodeau
Name: Sally Bilodeau
Position: Registered Nurse
Can answer: 1
Years experience: 17
Biography: A nursing career that began with Emergency Medicine, both in Boston, MA and Kahului, HI; Sally followed her skills and interests into the PACU caring for post-surgical patients and most recently 7 years in laser and injectable aesthetic nursing.
Safe and appropriate patient care is always the priority. It is with her astute foundational knowledge in medical complexities that creates this safe environment to advance into the nuanced and creative side of aesthetics.
Safe and appropriate patient care is always the priority. It is with her astute foundational knowledge in medical complexities that creates this safe environment to advance into the nuanced and creative side of aesthetics.
Latest Before And After Photos
Last updated on 12/10/2023